SI derived units
SI derived quantities are derived from seven base SI units via a system of quantity equations.
1 - SI derived units with special names and symbols
The International System of Units (SI Units) has twenty-two derived units with special names and symbols.
The special names of SI derived units are written in lowercase letters when written in full name. But its symbol's first letter is written in capital letter, if the SI derived unit got its name from a scientist.
For example; The symbol for newton is N (written in capital letters), which is the unit of measurement of force. The unit of force got its name from Sir Isaac Newton, one among the great physicists ever lived.
Twenty-two (22 derived units) derived SI units with special names and symbols are listed in below table.
No. | Measurement | Full SI Unit name | Symbol used |
1 | Force | newton | N |
2 | Angle | radian | rad |
3 | Solid Angle | steradian | sr |
4 | Frequency | hertz | Hz |
5 | Pressure/Stress | pascal | Pa |
6 | Celsius Temperature | degree celsius | °C |
7 | Energy, Work, Quantity of Heat | joule | J |
8 | Power | Watt | W |
9 | Electric Charge | coulomb | C |
10 | Electric Potential Difference | volt | V |
11 | Electrical Capacitance | farad | F |
12 | Electric Resistance | ohm | Ω |
13 | Electric Conductance | siemens | S |
14 | Magnetic Flux | Weber | Wb |
15 | Magnetic Flux Density | tesla | T |
16 | Electrical Inductance | henry | H |
17 | Catalytic Activity | katal | kat |
18 | Luminous Flux | lumen | lm |
19 | Illuminance | lux | lx |
20 | Radioactivity | becquerel | Bq |
21 | Absorbed Dose | gray | Gy |
22 | Dose Equivalent | sievert | Sv |
2 - SI derived units without special names and symbols
Only the above listed 22 SI derived units have approved special names and symbols. There are some other derived units without special names or symbols. These derived units are expressed in terms of its base SI units.
For example; the SI derived unit of momentum has no special name. Momentum of an object is its mass multiplied by its velocity. SI unit for mass is kg and velocity is m/s.
So, the symbol of momentum is expressed in "kg m/s".
Some derived SI units without special names and symbols are listed in below table.
No. | Measurement | Full SI Unit name | Symbol used |
1 | area | meter squared | m2 | 2 | volume | cubic meter | m3 |
3 | speed/velocity | meter per second | m/s |
4 | acceleration | meter per second squared | m/s2 |
5 | density | kilogram per cubic meter | kg/m3 |
6 | specific volume | cubic meter per kilogram | m3/kg |
7 | concentration | mole per cubic meter | mol/m3 |
8 | momentum | kg meter per second | kgm/sec |
9 | angular momentum | kg meter squared per second | kgm2/sec |