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Simplified Spacetime Physics Tutorials


Basic Physics

Learn basic Physics terms like quantity, measurement, SI units, SI base units, SI derived units, scalar and vector quantity, mass, force, speed, velocity, density, acceleration, momentum, energy, work, Newtonian gravity, acceleration due to gravity, gravitational constant etc here.

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Quantum Mechanics

Learn structure of atom, protons neutrons electrons, orbit, orbitals, standard model, planck's constant, dual nature of matter, double slit experiment, heisenberg uncertainty principle, schrodinger equation, quantum entanglement of particles etc. here

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Light and Radiation

Learn more about electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetic spectrum, visible light, photons, particle and wave nature of photons, red shift and blue shift of light, types of radiation, cosmic microwave background radiation etc. here

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Learn more about big bang and origin of universe, how the universe expanded from a infinite density and infinite temperature infinite mass singularity, evolution of universe from a singularity, universe is expanding faster than the speed of light etc. here

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Stellar Physics

Learn more about formation of stars, stellar life cycle, stellar atomic fusion, supernova, nebula, types of nebulae, black holes, neutron stars, pulsars, quasars, red giant stars, difference between black holes and supermassive black holes etc. here

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Spacetime Physics

Learn more about the concept of spacetime fabric, how mass curves spacetime fabric, modern definition about gravity, gravitational time dilation, gravitational lensing, gravitational redshift, gravitational waves, length contraction etc. here

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